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Whats new?
2/20/23 Reworked the very buggy about page layout into one that uses tables

2/16/23 Site theme is now FULLY redpilled

2/15/23 Worked on fixing the broken links from the redesign, and reverted the colour scheme (partially) back to red

1/15-16/23 Added sound button, added a cgi banner, & more.

11/21/22 Added the Great Bank Heist to the movies

8/12/22 Finished links page (-plop)

8/11/22 Added movie-of-the-week front page blurb

8/10/22 Created & finished news page, also added some movies to the classics & movies pages (-plop)

8/9/22 Added about pages to about tab (-plop)

8/7/22 Redid navbar and movie tables (thanks plop!)

7/7/22 Fixed the link to the movie of the week thread

7/3/22 Re-doing news, added a little movie of the week thing on the right bar.

5/16/22 Added a list for movies, also added an archive page for self-added, non-submitted movies

5/10/22 Changed navlink colors, also changed the navbar's gradient to an image to eliminate color banding

5/9/22 Changing the colorscheme from red-black to blue-black (navbar and rightbar was changed.) Will recolor the navlinks & other stuff later

5/3/22 Added movies page.

5/2/22 Half-completed about page

5/2/22 Added titles to the navbar that correlate to the page you're on

Spaceman Carl and the Northern Brightness