Latest and Greatest redesign!

Meet the Group
All the pages on this website are hand-crafted with elegance and feces. The folks below are the integral few who make TNT-Films possible.


The webmaster of this site, the original founder. After making 3dmm-wasteland, I was burnt out. So I started this site as a small project to see how skilled I am with web design. And well, here we are.
I can't talk much about myself, as I am pretty shy about saying anything. But I found 3dmm through a video created by someone of the name Vargskelethor, The video was called "The blue shell incident". Despite people saying it's the best movie ever made, the community of 3dmm despises it for its shitposty behavior.

I have very little involvement with the community, pretty much all of my contributions to the community are movies/wip gifs. But I've recently been posting a bit more, going from 0.02 post per day to 0.16, hooray!


A massive bitch and a beggar, plop u need to put something here

^ Well thanks for that, pokerman.

I'm the co-webmaster of the site. I've made some of the pages and features on this site (as well as all of the JavaScript code), as well as written some of the reviews. I also help pokerman if he finds some weird CSS/HTML bug. On TNT-Films 1.0, I wrote quite a few of the pages and also handled all of the Javascript. As you can tell, I'm knowledgeable in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I also know Python, Java, PHP, and I'm learning C++.

I found the community the same way pokerman did. I've been here for over 4 years now! My hobbies/knowledgeable fields are web development, programming, 3D CAD/printing, graphic design, and networking. Some music genres I like are rap, jazz, rock/metal, and classical.

If you want to see an example of my web design capabilities, I advise you check out my own 3dmm website, Additionally, if you want to see some of my 3DMM stuff, check out my profile. To see some of my other work, see my personal website.

B. Bobson

Bobby Bobson. The destruciton of all good in the world. World renound terrorist. They got the al queda leader in a drone stike but for some reason Bobby's PAM killing appear to be seemingly invincible to U.S. Navy forces. Nothing can stop Bobby Bobson. Not even his own self control. He is a pure being of chaos and destruction, with no human empathy or emotion.


Movie Rating System
Every movie on this site will have a rating on it (obviously). But each of our ratings will have a description here, from 1 to 10:



Unwatchably bad. A waste of time and has no effort whatsoever put into it. Even in 1995, when the program was released, a movie of this quality probably would have been considered bad. It uses nothing the program takes advantage of, doesn't do anything creative, and is straight up a chore to watch. The probability of this rating showing up on a movie here on this site is likely 0%, Thankfully.



Pretty bad. Probably still torturing yourself by watching the full thing in one sitting. Though, some effort has been put in and may or may not have some decent effects/animation. The director might also have a genuine passion to get better and create better movies. A true director's first movie probably lies around this rating.



This is where movies actually start to get decent/meaningful. From simple, premade scenes to decent, hand made scenery. Though, the movie will have some major flaws/problems because of the director's lack of skill. You can tell that the movie has some genuine effort put into the movie. But, the movie will probably not be taken that seriously from the jankyness/general newbieness of the movie.



Just below the average. A decent movie usually would be around here.



This is where most legitimate 3dmm movies fall on. If a movie has this rating, it's pretty much a solid, well-made 3dmm movie. But, not everything is perfect, and the movie will probably have some flaws with it that push it around here, instead of a 9/10.



A very well done, generally solid movie. Not a lot is wrong with it and is going to stand out from the rest of movies page for a while for it being pretty much better than the rest of the recent movies. For the director, it will probably be considered their magnum opus for the rest of time.



Now, I'm not going to go ahead a say "nOtHiNg Is PeRfEcT, sO iT cAnT gEt A pErFeCt 10/10!!!!" If I did, then this rating would be pointless! So, a movie of this rating is a pure, timeless masterpiece and will be remembered forever. A movie like this is very ambitious and tries to go for the extra mile. With pretty much, almost every aspect of the movie is polished and detailed.