Latest and Greatest redesign!

Site Description Rating The heart of the community. Ran by spacegoat since 1998 with almost every single movie and piece of 3dmm available. 8/10 Will Maltby's (aka 3 of the 4 god's) 3dmm site that had a massive collection of movies. 8/10
3dmm-dungeon Plopilpy's 3dmm site, there isnt very much as it is a wip, but it contains his reviews and submitted movies so far. 6/10
3DMM Discord The main discord server ran by Pizza Luigi and other member's. 7/10
3dmm-wasteland My other main site with a bunch of 3dmm stuff, from my favorites, to submitted movies, and a sick n' cozy 90's aesthetic. 5/10
Tuna Films A pretty normal 3dmm site from the looks of it, ran by tuna, (until it was shut down around 2009-2010?). 7/10
3DMM Studio An old 3dmm site that's still up. Has a massive, and I mean MASSIVE collection of movies. Usually used for uploading movies to 9/10
Lock n' Toad A 3dmm site that was ran by Aaron Haynes and Gorosaurus. Was usually used for high quality and detailed reviews. Some pages are still viewable without 8/10
Dragon Films Another old 3dmm site that's still viewable natively, run by Greg Strnad. 8/10